Why do tens of thousands of people trek to a temporary camp city in a remote Nevada desert in August? Is Burning Man worth the heat and dust storms? What’s queer about it? On this week’s Out in the Bay (airing 7pm PDT Aug. 20 on kalw.org + 91.7fm SF), Eric Jansen’s guests are Jennifer Raiser and Sidney Erthal, writer and photographer, respectively, of the book Burning Man: Art on Fire; and ‘Foxy,’ past mayor of Camp Beaverton, the main lesbian camp in Burning Man‘s “gayborhood.”
Burning Man: Art on Fire (Race Point Publishing, 8/8/14) is available on Amazon.com, BarnesAndNoble.com, and at many independent bookstores in the Bay Area and elsewhere.
(This episode of Out in the Bay first aired 8/14/2014)