Gay Semiotics is a set of two dozen iconic photographs with embedded text presented as a tongue-in-cheek anthropological essay on the codes of sexual orientation and identification in 1970s San Francisco. They’re on view through...
Psychology professor Gayle Pitman’s picture book about Pride parades helps parents and teachers introduce sexual orientation concepts to very young kids. This Day in June‘s appended reading guide gives adults high points of LGBT culture...
Take a trip back to the ‘70s with San Francisco author Mark Abramson and host Marilyn Pittman. His memoir, “Sex, Drugs, and Disco” chronicles the story of gay men flooding into the Castro from all over the country…
People with disabilities are teaming up with LGBT folks to fight bullying. There are many similarities across groups of people in why and how we are bullied, and in how to stand up to and...
Summer is for tourists here in San Francisco so that means it’s high season for Rick Shelton, aka “Lola Montez,” your tour guide at Drag Me Along Tours. Host Marilyn Pittman talks with Rick about…
Two high school boys fall in love, then grow into adults as they deal with the aftermath of a sporting accident that leaves one of them a paraplegic. Their tale is told in San Francisco...