It seems gay pride is spreading. San Mateo County holds its first-ever LGBTQI Pride Celebration June 15, joining other Bay Area communities overshadowed by San Francisco that have launched their own Pride parties. Why? How...
Less than 5 percent of LGBT people give directly to LGBT causes. Why is that? In the midst of another tech boom, why do Bay Area non-profits, gay and straight, still struggle? How might they...
Why translate fiction? Eric Jansen’s guests are Bay Area novelists Sylvia Brownrigg and K.M. Soehnlein, who have both won Lambda Literary Awards for LGBT fiction and whose work has been translated into other languages. They share some...
Legal experts answered listeners’ live on-air questions on the marriage cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. Kate Kendell of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, just back from witnessing the Defense of Marriage Act and...
Meet Timothy Seelig, Artistic Director and Conductor of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus, and Beach Blanket Babylon cast member Chavé Alexander and her burlesque alter ego Alotta Boutté. Beach Blanket Babylon and the SF Gay Men’s Chorus have...
Meet Bay Area-bred singer, songwriter and keyboard player Mark Etheredge and collaborator Michael Cronin, and hear their latest music. Mark has just released his first CD, Change Coming, featuring a wide range of songs about...