Please help us continue to bring you LGBTQ news, voices and stories by making a tax-deductible* donation to Out in the Bay. We’ve been promised $2,000 from an anonymous donor who will fork over the $2k if we get that much from other donors by January 16. That would mean a lot to our lean operation, so please chip in whatever you can now!
Clicking links in paragraph above or any donate tab on our pages should take you to a Media Alliance donation page with the notation: “Purpose: Support Out in the Bay.” Your gift will be earmarked for Out in the Bay, which is under Media Alliance’s 501c3 non-profit umbrella.
*The 2020 CARES Act allows charity deductions up to $300 above and beyond the standard tax deduction, whether or not you itemize, for both 2020 and 2021 taxes. (Learn more in this CNN article.) So you could save on your taxes and help broadcast and podcast LGBTQ voices worldwide! We’d greatly appreciate your donation of any amount at any time.
Thank You and Best Wishes for 2021! – Kendra, Truc and Eric