Please HELP US keep bringing queer content — stories of LGBTQIA+ people in their own voices — to The Bay, the state, the USA and beyond. Give OUT Day is a Pride Month national fundraiser for LGBTQ non-profits.
When you give to Out in the Bay via Give OUT Day, you’ll help us qualify for bonuses on top of your dollars and bring wider awareness to our cause. Bonuses are based on the number of donors who chip in $10 or more. So even $10 could make a big impact! (To give to Out in the Bay directly and save Give OUT’s 5% processing fee, just click “DONATE” here, or write to us at if you’d rather contribute some other way.)
Out in the Bay is non-profit and independent. We receive no funds from podcast platforms nor from radio stations that air Out in the Bay weekly. YOUR GIFT will help Out in the Bay continue to produce LGBTQ features and distribute them to podcast platforms here and abroad and to radio stations around the country.
Every donation counts! Visit to learn more and to contribute. Or click “ DONATE ” on this page, or write to us at to give another way. THANK YOU!
(Donate tabs on our website will take you to a Media Alliance interface. Media Alliance is our non-profit 501(c)3 fiscal agent. Your gift will be earmarked for Out in the Bay.)
Thank you from all of us here at Out In The Bay! – Eric, Kendra, Chris, Porfirio and Lusen