Tom Nolan Tackles LGBT Senior Issues

For almost two decades, Tom Nolan ran Project Open Hand, a meal service created during the AIDS crisis.  He’s now chairman of the MUNI board. But his passion is gay rights and right now it’s the…

Shit & Champagne … and Oasis

Meet the man behind a show we can’t name on the radio: Shit & Champagne – A Whitesploitation Comedy with Dance.  D’Arcy Drollinger is an actor, dancer, playwright, director and choreographer of many shows, and…

Managing Grief

How do we cope with the death of a spouse or lover?  Is it different if you’re gay?   Bereavement experts say many minorities suffer “disenfranchised grief” – grief not fully recognized by society. On…

Trannyshack Is Now Your Mother

Moving on from “Trannyshack,” the legendary punk rock drag show in SoMa for 12 years, impresario Heklina is opening her new club in what used to be the hot corner of the gay male club…

22nd Annual Kung Pao Kosher Comedy

“What are Jews supposed to do on Christmas?”  Comic Lisa Geduldig says it’s an age-old question she answered 21 years ago with her now annual show Kung Pao Kosher Comedy — Jewish comedians telling jokes…

Pussy knows all in four-part solo show

Maura Halloran’s Pussy is clever, quirky, and full of wit and insights into human nature that only a pussycat can have. The title character is a cat owned by a lesbian whose romance is on…

First-Hand Accounts From LGBT Africans

With Uganda’s ruling party this week proposing a new anti-gay bill many LGBT advocates say is even worse than the law struck down in August, a Ugandan civil rights leader and two activists from Cameroon…

Sea Slugs & “Science, Neat”

Shayle Matsuda is a graduate student studying sea slugs at the California Academy of Sciences. Out of the lab, he creates research experiences for high school students and hosts an interactive happy hour series at…

Supersurvivors – Growing from Adversity

What does it take to bounce beyond trauma? David Feldman, co-author of Supersurvivors: The Surprising Link Between Suffering and Success, talks with host Eric Jansen about post-traumatic growth. It’s a topic Feldman finds particularly relevant…

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