Sister Spit’s 2014 national tour kicks off March 19. On this week’s Out in the Bay, award-winning writers Michelle Tea and Ali Liebegott (Sister Spit co-founder and long-time contributor respectively) fill us in on the San Francisco-based queer feminist writers cabaret that traverses the USA and other countries spreading queer culture. They also read from their latest books: Michelle Tea‘s is Mermaid in Chelsea Creek; Ali Liebegott‘s is Cha-Ching!. Michelle also reads from the anthology Sister Spit: Writing, Rants and Reminiscence from the Road. Eric Jansen hosts. Airs 7pm Thursday, March 6.
Sister Spit’s 2014 tour begins with two Bay Area events: Wednesday, March 19, at the Elbo Room in San Francisco and Friday, March 21, at Rock Paper Scissors in Oakland. Then Sister Spit heads off for points north and east. See the full tour schedule and lots more info on Radar Productions’ queer literary programs at Visit City Lights Books website for more info on Michelle Tea, Ali Liebegott and their books.
(Interview first aired June 2013; edited by associate producer Nora Elmeligy for rebroadcast.)