The first openly gay Supreme Court of California justice, Martin Jenkins, is not only the first openly LGBTQ justice on the high court, he’s also just the third Black man ever to serve on it....

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On this week’s Out in the Bay we bring you the story — in his own words and voice — of the late LGBTQ philanthropist, civil rights activist and ambassador James C. Hormel, who died...

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In his debut novel, Brooklyn native Robert Jones, Jr., describes the romantic and tragic relationship between two enslaved young men on a Mississippi cotton plantation in the early 1800s. The Prophets explores gender and sexuality, race,...

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San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury district was iconic as the center of the late 1960s – early ‘70s anti-war and sexual revolution counterculture. Often forgotten is its role in LGBTQ liberation history. That role gets loving attention...

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“We are here for the tough conversations,” says Melorra Green, speaking for herself and her twin, Melonie Green. On this week’s Out in the Bay, the sisters talk about their visions for a more inclusive...

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What should you do when your child comes out to you, or you learn some other way that your child may be lesbian, gay, bi, transgender, non-binary or otherwise “queer”? Meet Dr. Caitlin Ryan, a...

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