“Upon This Rock” is a tangled-web murder mystery set in Italy and Vatican City, with Catholic corruption, hidden homosexuality, the international refugee crisis, and much more in the mix.  Long-time PR maven and Rainbow Honor...

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Blackmail, My Love, is a noir murder-mystery novel set in San Francisco, 1951 – “The Dark Ages of Queerdom,” as author and illustrator Katie Gilmartin puts it – when cops raided gay and lesbian bars,...

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Famed mezzo-soprano Frederica von Stade sings in this weekend’s Bay Area performances of Street Requiem, a choral contata to call attention to the plight of people living on our streets and in other insecure conditions...

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Gay Semiotics is a set of two dozen iconic photographs with embedded text presented as a tongue-in-cheek anthropological essay on the codes of sexual orientation and identification in 1970s San Francisco. They’re on view through...

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