“Upon This Rock” is a tangled-web murder mystery set in Italy and Vatican City, with Catholic corruption, hidden homosexuality, the international refugee crisis, and much more in the mix. Long-time PR maven and Rainbow Honor...
Blackmail, My Love, is a noir murder-mystery novel set in San Francisco, 1951 – “The Dark Ages of Queerdom,” as author and illustrator Katie Gilmartin puts it – when cops raided gay and lesbian bars,...
Judy Grahn’s “Common Woman” poems in the ’60s and ’70s inspired a generation of lesbian feminists. Her 2012 book, “A Simple Revolution: The Making of an Activist Poet,” is part history, part memoir and a brilliant…
Famed mezzo-soprano Frederica von Stade sings in this weekend’s Bay Area performances of Street Requiem, a choral contata to call attention to the plight of people living on our streets and in other insecure conditions...
In celebration of the U.S.Supreme Court marriage equality decision in June, we honor the first openly gay elected politician in America, Harvey Milk. Hear Harvey in his own words as scholars James Black and Charles…
Gay Semiotics is a set of two dozen iconic photographs with embedded text presented as a tongue-in-cheek anthropological essay on the codes of sexual orientation and identification in 1970s San Francisco. They’re on view through...